Sherry Ellis: Illuminating Fiction

July 22, 2010 on 2:55 pm | In 书斋札记 | 1 Comment

Illuminating Fiction 是一本作者访谈集,Sherry Ellis 在里面采访了十九位活跃在今天英语文坛的小说家,包括有Edward P. Jones、 Julia Glass,、Amy Bloom,、Jill McCorkle,、Margot Livesey、Ron Carlson、Steve Almond等,不过自己阅读范围有限,读过并熟悉其作品的只有李翊云一位,故也只读了她的访谈。那篇访谈的标题很有意思,叫作 Tell, Don’t Show,完全颠覆美国写作班 Show, Don’t Tell 的金科玉律。采访中很多内容围绕她的具体作品,略过不提,但有一段问答,或许值得分享一下:

Ellis: What have  you learned not to do as a writer?

Li: I remember once I met a young, aspiring writer who was very talented. She talked about going to a coffee shop and meeting other writers and talking with them. I remember I was very surprised. One thing I learned not to do as a writer is to socialize too much, because I don’t think that helps with writing, and I don’t talk a lot with other people about my writing. I saw this somewhere. If you spend too much time talking about your project you’ve invested enough passion in the project and you probably won’t do it.

有关 Illuminating Fiction 这本书的更多介绍见此:;bookUUID=8EBC90C0-7BBD-7B61-F1D2-99F457005431

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  1. 作家难道更适合独居?还有这种说法呀。

    Comment by Samuel — July 28, 2010 7:31 am GMT-0700 #

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