一月Los Altos购书小记

January 30, 2008 on 12:40 am | In 蛰居琐话 | 5 Comments


01 Out of Africa: Blixen, Karen (Isak Dinesen)

丹麦女作家Karen Blixen 以自己在Kenya的亲身经历写成,1985年曾被改编成同名电影。

02 We: Zamiatin, Eugene

反乌托邦小说的开山之作,George Orwell认为赫胥黎的《勇敢新世界》有部分受到We的启发,虽然赫胥黎对此表示否认,而George Orwell本人在读了法语译本的We的八个月后,开始着手1984的创作。

03 A Moveable Feast: Hemingway, Ernest



04 推开文学家的门:成寒 著/摄影


05 柏克莱精神:杨牧

06 伤心咖啡店之歌:朱少麟

07 白先勇传:王晋民

去年底时报文化又出了新一本《情与美:白先勇传》刘俊 著。

08 西潮:蒋梦麟


09 在生命转弯的地方:侯文詠



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  1. los altos哪里可以买书?

    Comment by Fang — January 31, 2008 2:03 pm GMT-0700 #

  2. los altos 图书馆!

    Comment by atppp — January 31, 2008 2:19 pm GMT-0700 #

  3. I subscribed to this website:
    which tells me the nearby book sales every weekend with detailed information. Usually, according to my experience, if one book sale has more than 10,000 books, it’s worth going to have a look.

    Comment by Lilyppbb — January 31, 2008 6:21 pm GMT-0700 #

  4. Lily,想请教一下,你上面这个回帖中的subscribe具体是什么意思呢?不用加个to吗

    Comment by anna — February 4, 2008 6:03 am GMT-0700 #

  5. yes, you’re right. corrected it already. thanks.

    Comment by Lilyppbb — February 4, 2008 10:34 am GMT-0700 #

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