
February 5, 2008 on 11:25 pm | In 蛰居琐话 | 2 Comments

中国时间的除夕年三十,美国大选的Super Tuesday。

间或看了一两次民主党辩论的直播,对Obama获得的支持,百思不得其解。尤其在他放出No Chinese Toys的厥词后,一味讨好选民的政治投机嘴脸,尽露无遗。有人说,他胸怀雄图大略,兼有滔滔口才,后者在我看的两次辩论里,不但无迹可寻,但显出他说话有些结巴,至于前者,读了上期New Yorker上Choice一文,有了一点豁然的了解。


· Clinton as executive

Obama as visionary

· Clinton echoes Churchill, “Give us the tools and we will finish the job.”

Obama invokes Lincoln, “As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.”

(In this sense, Obama’s diagnosis of the American illness is more fundamental.)

· Clinton: experienced, hard work, intellectual acuity, a command of policy, be able to manage and run the bureaucracy

Obama: enthusiasm, a President with positive inspirational ideas, rouse three hundred million fellow-citizens


一国总统大选,是选个精明干练的CEO,还是装个鼓舞煽动的大喇叭,不管如何,“世袭制不能保证生出一个最好的统治者,民主选举也无法保证选出一个最佳的总统”,Senor C(或许也是库切本人)的这条“Strong Opinion”,一语中地。


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  1. 新年好^^

    Comment by anna — February 6, 2008 6:13 am GMT-0700 #

  2. 谢谢,也祝你春节快乐!

    Comment by Lilyppbb — February 6, 2008 10:12 am GMT-0700 #

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