8月 Palo Alto 购书所获

August 10, 2008 on 4:12 pm | In 书斋札记 | No Comments

照例是每月第二个周末的 Palo Alto 书市,顾虑搬家在即,不敢太放肆,最后还是挑了10本之多,以英文和翻译小说为主。

01 Island: Huxley, Aldous


02 The Benefactor: Sontag, Susan

03 The Double: Saramago, Jose


04 Half a Life: Naipaul, V.S.

05 A Man of the People: Achebe, Chinua

《纽约客》5月一期 Books 专栏有一篇关于 Chinua Achebe的长文 After Empire:Chinua Achebe and the great African novel,还未有时间细读。

06 Where I Was From: Didion, Joan

07 The Orchard Keeper: McCarthy, Cormac

08 Ficciones: Borges, Jorge Luis

09 August 1914: Solzhenitsyn, Alexander

10 The First Circle: Solzhenitsyn, Alexander

11 The Long Revolution: Snow, Edgar

Edgar Snow,这位和中国有着密切关系的美国记者,出过数本有关中国的书,The Long Revolution 记录了1971年他在中国期间的见闻经历。

12 Selected Stories of Lu Hsun


13 点滴城市:侯文詠

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