
March 14, 2009 on 9:47 pm | In 书斋札记 | No Comments

今早在Palo Alto书市的收获:

01 Cities of the Plain: McCarthy, Cormac


02 That Old Ace In the Hole: Proulx, Annie

03 The Breast: Roth, Philip

内容简介只有一句话:The Story of the man who turned into a female breast.

04 Rat: Zaniewski, Andrzej

05 Timbuktu: Auster, Paul

06 The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street: Hanff, Helene

《查令十字街84号》和Helene Hanff的伦敦梦。

07 Engleby: Faulks, Sebastian

08 Parnassus on Wheels: Morley, Christopher


09 Old School: Wolff, Tobias

10 The Night in Question: Wolff, Tobias

11 Stranger Shores: Literary Essays 1986-1999: Coetzee, J.M.

12 Elizabeth Costello: Coetzee, J.M.

13 Across the River and into the Trees: Ernest Hemingway

14 The Year of Magical Thinking: Didion, Joan

15 烽火杜鹃城──七十年代台大学生运动:洪三雄

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