February 16, 2005 on 1:33 pm | In 书斋札记 | Comments Off on 公式化的《天使与魔鬼》Just finished Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons. 这本500多页的小说和The Da Vinci Code在故事的组织上有着很多相似之处,在人物上,Main Actor: Robert Langdon; Supporting Actress: Vittoria in A&D, Sofia in Da Vinci Code, both are the only close relative of the first victim at the beginning of story, having some romatic feelings for Robert during investigation; Supporting Actors: Swiss Guard, French Policemen, both are resposible, hard-working, but kind of overconfident and stupid. The construciton of characters in a mysterious and thrilling novel is kind of typical in some classic mysteries, like Sherlock Holmes by Conan Doyle, Poirot by Agatha Christie, as main actor; their assistants, like Watson, as supporting actor, ( I guess a pretty and romantic woman will be more attractive as supporting character); and Scotland Yard, a group of support characters.
另外,在故事的展开和描述上,作者同样采用了几条线索平行铺开的方法,Langdon’s Investigation, Murderer’s destroy, and the relevent activities of the bystanders. Comaring to the mysterious atomsphere in Da Vinci Code, a couple of scenes in A&D are much more grand and exciting.
读两个结构如此类似的小说,有点做数学题套公式的感觉,但愿另外两本会有点不一样的意外,不过小说本身的内容却是非常inspiring。Da Vinci Code is about the role of female in religions, while Angels & Demons is discussing the relationship of religion and science. The author’s opinions are pretty clearly demonstrated in the novels, though, both are most controversial topics and will raise hot debates.
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