March 9, 2005 on 1:39 am | In 书斋札记 | No Comments上个星期脖子和肩膀一直不舒服,我想是不敢猛看书了,倒是看了几个不错的电影:韩城功略,商业动作片,明星压阵,有趣惊险悬念再带点搞笑的情节,看起来很 轻松,虽然没有什么深刻哲理,本来就没有谁要求电影个个都要有哲理,带给人快乐刺激让人relax的商业片也是成功的;旺角黑夜,深灰色的画面,似乎要说 明一个道理,好与坏,贼与兵,黑与白,其实是有中间地带的;The other side of the bed,a spanish comic about sex and lie, humorous, with wonderful songs and dances; the motorcycle diaires, a movie based on Che’s diaries of his travel around south and cental America with his friend, during which he saw the injustice in this continent and changed his mind to devote himself to revolutions, the music is very very beautiful, and the ending is moving.
除了看电影,周末还是拿了Dan Brown’s Deception Point来读,慢慢悠悠的读完,虽然有些失望,因为他的书实在感觉是一个公式里出来,still concerning some controversial topics, with pretty descriptions of hollywood-style actions, still adding some romantic experience between atcor and actress. 不过倒是有个新发现,就是,小说从开始营造一种mysterious atomsphere,引导读者去猜测的幕后黑手常常是有很强背景的大人物,涉及到很广泛的历史或者政治背景,like OPUS in Da Vinci Code, Illuminati in Angels & Demons, and NASA, US President in this Deception Point,这种引导在阅读的过程中产生一种sensational的作用,however, to the end, it uncovers that all conspiracies are made by one kind of fictional person, or a few, without any strong historical or political reference. Such an ending makes the fiction the real fiction, with no documentary factor. So just read them as fiction, and enjoy the thrilling scenes in the story. Anyway, three Dan Brown’s are enough for me, if his other novels are always in this similar construction of the plots.
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