
March 9, 2005 on 9:34 pm | In 影音杂陈 | Comments Off on 妮可之狗镇

Watched Nicole’s Dogville this morning. It’s always a challenge for me to watch a three-hour movie, fortunately, the experimental describing style of the movie made the watching not too boring an experience. The story took place in a tiny town named dogville, and all scenes are set up on a stage, more like a drama in theater than a movie. At the end, all people in this town were shot to death because they broke their promise in order to protect themselves from the incoming danger, all houses were burned down and the whole town vanished, as if it had never existed in the world.

In the fact, just when finished the movie, I didn’t got a quite particular feeling, just thinking it’s worth seeing. But after I repeated the whole story to my hubby, I realized that this movie reminds me of some happenings during the chinese culture revolution, which I read in books, but cannot quite understand. I don’t know why intimate friends could become enemies, why couples could accuse each other on the stage, and even why sons and daughters could feel ashamed of their parents. All that is totally against humanity and human beings. What kind of power can make these happen? But this movie does offer me a greatly helpful perspective to view these questions. Human beings are fragile, and when a danger approaches and threatens their living existence, people’s fragility will lead them to betray themselves, break their promises and beliefs, do some cruel things or even more that’s beyond our imagination. So probably that’s why gaining power, which will make us appear stronger, is a final goal for human beings to struggle for to the end. Whether it is true, more power, more stronger, it’s a question; what kind of person is the strongest and most powerful one in the world, it’s another question.

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