human stain
March 10, 2005 on 3:11 pm | In 影音杂陈 | No CommentsA friend recommanded to me the film, human stain. Keeping a secret for the whole life, even risking losing job and respect as a professor, as well as losing his wife for the shocking news, just for the reason of his unpreferrable race, that sounds somewhat ridiculars, but I can see, such a historical circumstance of racial discrimination is a little bit far from my knowledge, and so I will never be able to fully understand the character’s mind. However, this movie would inspire people to think about how we should deal with our “past”. Everyone is different since born, gender, racially, culturally, language, nationality, rich or poor family; everything is different; no one is totally clean since the first day of coming to the world; so how to make a decent living with all of these differences from others; we should be honest, but most of time we need to lie, for survival, because we are fragile.
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