
March 11, 2005 on 5:02 pm | In 影音杂陈 | No Comments

这周简直是变成film week,几乎每天都去图书馆借dvd来看,昨天借了the fifth element & the terminal。第五元素应该是1997年的一个大片,对于科幻动作类的电影虽然一直没有太高的兴致,不过有朋友推荐,相信会是值得一看。影片的情节很简单,不似matrix般的晦涩深奥,要传递的信息在最后也表达的很直白,love, the fifth element, the most powerful element to save the world from evil。It’s not an original idea, seems everyone knows it, but few practices it. So this remind is necessary, for the past, for today, for the future, and forever. It’s one of the film’s tasks to convey this warning.

The terminal is a very interesting movie, and Tom Hanks’ performance is nearly perfect. A man, stuck in the international transit lounge, never gave up his promise for going to NYC to realize his father’s dream, but never meant to break laws, or abandon his home country in order to achieve the goal. He was just waiting, keeping waiting, waiting for one day he could legally enter NYC. It’s a work about dream, about honesty, about humanity, and about human principle.

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