The Red House Mystery—A.A.Milne

May 5, 2005 on 5:01 pm | In 书斋札记 | No Comments

说A.A.Milne,也许只是一个陌生的作家的名字,但一提到Winnie the Pooh,马上就会对这个名字多几分亲切的感觉,yeah,A.A.Milne就是Winnie Tales的作者,很难想到,一个儿童作家也会是一个mystery writer,而且一作惊人,一生唯一的这一部红屋之谜,便成为推理小说黄金年代的masterpiece。故事的情节用几句话来概括:Two brothers were in a locked room, one was shot to death, the other disappeared. So what on earth happened? 也许因为儿童作家的缘故,对我这个外行英语读者来说,红屋之谜是我读过中语言最简单最易理解的推理小说,但情节的扑朔并不因语言的浅显易懂而失色。虽然小 说读到一半,大概可以猜到几分what happened to the disappearing brother,但是在若隐若现的线索和猜测中,谁都会忍不住要一口气把它读完,既是为了confirm自己的猜测,也是要了解整个事情的来龙去脉。 Behind this ironic murder, there exists love and hate involving most of the people in and around this Red House, showing the hypocrisy and darkness of human heart. 即使猜到了凶手,却猜不全动机,谋杀背后的long story,也是推理小说一个巨大的引人之处。

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