The Man in Lower Ten—Mary Roberts Rineheart
May 8, 2005 on 6:06 pm | In 书斋札记 | No Comments这是一本充满悬念和罗曼蒂克的悬疑小说。Lawrence met Alison in a Washington train and fell in great love with this pretty woman. A murder occurred in this train and Lawrence became the suspect. However, a train wreck happened during the trip and most of people were killed. Although Lawrence fortunatly survived, he still could wash off his suspect since most of evidence was destroyed in the wreck. Alison also survived. Meanwhile Lawrence found that she was most probably involved in the murder case. Was this angelic woman actually a cold-blood murderer, or what kind of relationship did she have with the real murderer? Love made Lawrence in a hard dilemma: on one hand he hoped to find out the truth and prove his innocence, on the other hand, he did not want to involve Alison in his investigation.
以前还读过Rineheart另外两本The Circular Staircase & Miss Pinkerton。Circular Staircase一般被认为Rineheart最成功的作品,自己读了也很喜欢,有点点Cozy推理的味道。Miss Pinkerton也不错,还是更喜欢这种带一点逻辑推理和诡计色彩的mystery。至于悬疑小说,虽然有些悬念制造的很精彩很吸引人,但也许是少了一 点点智力挑战的乐趣吧。
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